Granite establishes closed end investment clubs (“Funds”) for high net worth investors and institutions seeking to diversify their portfolios, share risk and gain access to opportunistic commercial real estate and ancillary investments.

Granite develops macro-themed value-add and opportunistic property strategies targeting entity- and asset -level investments and strategic joint ventures with specialized, private real estate companies that have attractive long-term prospects for outperformance across various property subclasses. Granite targets long-term investments (5-7 years) that offer attractive risk-adjusted total returns.

Granite Capital utilizes the broader Granite platform for researching, sourcing, underwriting, structuring, executing and managing investments.

We favour value-enhancement and opportunistic strategies and investments where we are able to…

  • Exploit market imbalances (demand/supply)
  • Identify capital pricing mismatches (price given risk)
  • Define a clear exit strategy (liquidity)
  • Mitigate risk of capital loss (risk)

… to drive out-sized risk-adjusted total returns.

Salient Features:

  • Investment Manager: Granite Capital (Pty) Ltd (FSP 41201)
  • Term: 5-7 years (per investment)
  • Target Returns: >20% IRR
  • Investment Products: Equity, High-Yield Debt, Hybrids
  • Management Fee: Based on committed equity
  • Performance Fee: Based on realised returns above an absolute hurdle rate of return

Where our opportunity fund does not suit your investment profile, we are able to offer you, our select high net worth client, an individually designed and managed private account. This account will meet your specific investment needs subject to the following parameters:

Minimum Investment: R10 million